Condy Campbell (ca.1893 – ca.1940)

Condy Campbell was born around 1893 in Cruach an Airgid, Campbells being the highest house in the region facing west towards Sliabh Tuaidh and the Atlantic Ocean. His father, Charlie (Charlie Chondaí Mór) was a fiddle player and his grandfather, Condy was the first Campbell in Cruach an Airgid having moved up river from An Srath Salach sometime in the early 19th century. Condy’s brothers James, two years older and Peter, ten years younger both played the fiddle while his younger sister, Susie was a beautiful singer. The art of lilting would have been a strong part of the tradition in his youth, and Condy grew into a fine lilter in a period where instruments were not always available or affordable. Various tunes lilted by Condy have survived, including one beautiful polka titled Mac Eoghain Sheáin agus níon John Choit. The name is derived from the occasion of marriage between Anna Nic a’Bhaird and John Mac a’Luain of the Croaghs. After the official ceremony, the newly wedded couple enjoyed a train journey to Fintown and walked back over the hills to be greeted by the wedding party. As they crossed the threshold, Condy lilted this polka and the name has lasted ever since. He was also a fine singer and he composed a number of songs including Coill Loch Iascaigh.

The polka ‘Mac Eoin Sheáin agus níon John Choit’ played by Jimmy & Peter Campbell

