Con Sweeny (1932 – 1981)

(5th February 1932 – 28th March 1981)

Con as a young boy

Con Sweeney, Srath Laoill Theas, was the youngest of a family of six. He was a close neighbour of Patrick Doherty and Con learned much music from the older player. While still in his late teens, he emigrated to Scotland and later settled in London where he married Ita Boyle from the parish of Inver. While in London, Con developed both playing and personal friendships with many fine traditional musicians of the period including Des Donnelly and Sean McGuire. Con and Ita had six children together before moving back to Srath Laoill Theas in 1978. He died a relatively young man shortly afterwards but not before passing his love for music to his family and especially his son, James, who has carried on the tradition. Con was known for his hard work and energy, his sense of humour and his fiddle playing. He also made field recordings of many musicians both in London and in his native Donegal.

Con Sweenys House

Con Sweeney and James Byrne, late 1960s

