Patrick (b.1878) ; Joseph (b.1885) & Margaret Doogan (1888 – 1973)
Younger brothers of John Doogan, Leitir, both Patrick and Joseph were fine fiddle players who continued to play after they emigrated to New York early in the early years of the 20th century. According to the 1910 census Patrick was married to Margaret Murray of Droim na Fiongaile with two of a family. His occupation was ‘blacksmith’, a trade he inherited from his father in Leitir, also Patrick. The records describe him as 5 ft 8 inches with a fresh complexion, dark hair and grey eyes. By 1922 he was a widower and living on 2nd Street, Brooklyn, a few doors away from his younger brother, Joe, who also plied his trade as a ‘horseshoe blacksmith’. Joe was married to Anna McLoughlin and they reared five of a family in New York. Margaret Doogan followed her brothers on the emigrant ship in 1907 and was first employed as a domestic servant to an oil salesman. She later married Connell Gallagher and they went on to have four children. Though discouraged from playing the fiddle as a young girl, she persisted and often practiced in the field using two sticks with her older brothers teaching her. She continued playing in New York along with Patrick and Joseph.