John Doherty (1894 – 1976)

(4th February 1894 – 22nd March 1976)

John Doherty (Cassie)

John Doherty (Cassie)

John was born in at An Bogach in 1894, the third child in a family of five. He stayed in the home house with his mother, Cassie, while the rest of his siblings emigrated to the USA. It is thought that he was self-taught on the fiddle, as he rarely visited other houses in the locality to play. John was also well known for his storytelling and poetry. He composed poetry about the local area, some of which has survived in the oral tradition up to the present day. He was also fond of ghost stories and local fairy lore. His brother, Patrick, returned from the USA and married Mary Breslin, a local lady. John lived with them for the remainder of his life until he died on 22nd March 1976, aged 82.

