Patrick McDevitt (c.1893 – 1957)

Patrick McDevitt, or Pat Pheadair Bheag as he was known locally was born around 1893 and was one of the most important fiddle players of the older generation in the Glen of Glenties. A little older than Peter Campbell of Cruach an Airgid, Pat passed on much of his repertoire to the younger player, and this store of tunes in turn survives in the playing of Jimmy Campbell and his son, Peter. The late Vincent Campbell was also a great admirer of Pat Pheadair Bheag’s playing. He is remembered as a strong dance player who was much in demand to play at local ‘convoys’ and big nights. On visits to the area in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, John and Mickey Doherty frequently stayed in Devenney’s house of An Leac Liath where much of their repertoire passed to local players. Pat married Mary Devenney and they reared three of a family. A highland known locally as ‘Pat Pheadair Bheag’s’ is still played regularly in local sessions.

Jimmy Campbell playing the highlands – Pat Pheadair Bheag’s & Síos an baile mór



